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Which numerology system is more accurate: Pythagorean or Chaldean?


The Pythagorean system is based on sound and therefore the letters are allotted numbers according to sound. The Chaldean system is based on vibration which is essential before a sound can be produced under normal situations, which is to say the presence of air. Hence, the letters are allotted numbers according to their vibrations. It is within reason then that the Chaldean system is more accurate because it goes to the root of the matter. The allotting of numbers to the letters becomes more accurate, and in turn, the reading becomes more precise, especially in reading of names. However it makes no difference when analysing a person’s date of birth.


In a reading, is the date of birth or the name more important?


Both are equally important. The total forces, energies and vibrations at work for a person is 50:50, that is, 50% from date of birth (DOB) and 50% from name. But the more fixed half of the influence on a person comes from their DOB since this is the part which cannot change. The total number obtained by adding the day and month and year of the DOB contributes 40%. I call it the life path of a person. In this respect, the date of birth is more important, because unlike the name, it is not changeable. It is fixed for life.


Is there any very good number or very bad number in numerology?


There are no such numbers. Every number has good or positive traits and bad or negative traits. Each number is like a coin, it has both head and tail. To become more successful in life, a person has to learn to maximise the positive traits and minimise the negative traits.


Does numerology apply to children?


Yes, it does apply. Even young children younger than seven years old can benefit. Parents can better understand their sons and daughters when mothers find out how their children’s numbers are distributed on the birth chart. The chart helps to reveal the types of positive and negative energies that are acting on them. Understanding such arrows of energiy can equip a mother with knowledge in the nurturing, growth and development of her child. In combination with a mother’s unique love for her child, wonders can occur.


How important is a person’s nickname, or informal name, in numerology?


The name a person is most often called is important in numerology. A person is very seldom called by his birth name if it is long. That’s the reason why a lot of people have nicknames, shorter and easier to say and often taken from the rich and famous of their time.

A man is called by his nickname or by his shorter known name so many times in his waking hours, sometimes as many as 50 or more times a day. Each time his name is called it creates a sound vibration which enters into him through his ears and into his system, triggering his response to his name. The name is unique to him.

When the nickname or given name is in harmony with his date of birth (DOB), it can also supplement the lack of energies in his birth chart and thereby energise him. If it is not in harmony, he faces greater negativities. This is the reason people consult numerologists for name changes.


Most people think that a person’s birth date is of great significance. What is the numerological significance?


A person’s  DAY BORN date, whether the person was born on the 1st or 9th or 25th of a month, constitutes only 10% of the core elements of his/her total forces and vibrations in life, when  measured in terms of numerology significance. This aspect of a birth date is the birthday celebrations and hence commonly given much more significance by us than is warranted.

Does it affect a woman when she takes on her husband’s name on marriage?

Yes it does. Her previous name vibrations change to her new name vibrations. Because she is called by her new name, her heart number, her personality number, and her destiny/expression number all change.  Other lesser important numbers change too. The forces/energies/vibrations of her new name gradually set in. Her behavior and personal change slowly but surely over time.

It is therefore very important for a numerologist to re-calculate such a lady’s new name  numbers in order to zero in on her effective numbers. Otherwise her reading will not be accurate. Much manual work is involved in doing this. I work with two computer programmes; even then this kind of reading can be taxing, with a lot of manual adjustments necessary to ensure accuracy


Is it true that we cannot overcome karmic forces?


It is not true. That’s where numerology can help you. These days, the term “karma” is used increasingly broadly in the west. It is basically what a person has committed in his/her past life, the life just before this present life. It is usually bad actions/deeds, and a debt/repentance is due in this life. First you got to understand what karmic forces you are now facing. There are only four actual karmic forces. A numerologist can identify these for you and one who has read widely about such forces can guide you to overcome any of these forces.


Which is easier for a person to understand: numerology or astrology? 


It is easier to understand numerology. A numerologist can show a person how and why the person has certain numbers in his/her charts. I feel that it is also easier for a person who wants a reading, to follow what is being explained by the numerologist. The basis for reading a person’s date of birth and name are numbers the charts show the numbers for the reading clearly, and hence the person or querant is able to query the appearance of certain numbers or the absence of other numbers to be convinced by the reading. Astrology, on the other hand, is based on planetary positions and calculations, the logic of which are not easy for a querant to unravel.


Of the metaphysical sciences, which is most accurate?


There is a general view that numerology tops them all. Numerology is about 90% accurate, while astrology is about 80%. Of course, the final accuracy attainable also depends on the experience, skill and knowledge of the numerologist or the astrologer.


Which numbers are karmic?


There are four main karmic numbers or number pairs: 19/1, 13/4, 14/5 and 16/7. When what we call the final numbers, that is, 1, 4, 5, and 7, result from the corresponding compound numbers 19, 13, 14 and 16, these compound numbers are described as karmic. These are the pairings of 1, 4, 5, and 7 with the bases 19, 13, 14 and 16 respectively. We cannot ignore the base numbers when looking at the final number because the single-digit final numbers carry the karmic influences of these compound pairings.

Karmic numbers, when they appear as major numbers, (like the number we get from adding the DOB, and the name number computed from the full name), have effects which are felt throughout life. Another major value is the total number derived from adding the DOB number and the Name number. If any of these three Major numbers add up to 19 or 13 or 14 or 16  before it becomes a single digit number 1, 4, 5 or 7, then, and only then, does the said single-digit number have karmic influences. The karmic forces are related to a person’s mistakes in previous lifetimes. There are also other karmic numbers of lesser importance. These are 29/2, 11/2 and 22/4. They only affect the person during the period when these numbers appear and not for that person’s entire life.


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